TENTI - 3 PMAX = 3450 H TENTI - 4 PMAX = 5750 H TENTI - 5 PMAX = 5750 H TENTI - 7 PMAX = 6900 H TENTI - 8 PMAX = 3450 H TENTI - 9 PMAX = 6900 H The test levels that TENTI shelf supports meet are achieved with 2 supports for 900 mm. long shelves, and 1 extra support for each 450 mm. we increase the length. Under these conditions, the following table shows the maximum loads that TENTI shelf supports can endure depending on the shelf depth: Maximum loads for TENTI shelf supports Maximum loads for TENTI shelf supports TENTI TENTI > CH.3 HANGING SUPPORTS 300