RAL 9003 530.400.006 2.000 RAL 7040 530.400.312 530.400.065 1.000 RAL 9003 961.712.006 1.000 961.712.312 RAL 9003 961.412.001 1.000 961.512.064 1 1 2 2 3 Cover cap for Ø25 hole. White Gray Nickel-plated Cover cap for oval 12 hole. White Nickel-plated Accessories TRASER-8 Cover for hanger with active security. White Anthracite Assembly and Disassembly Traser 8 with active safety Assembly: First adjust height to the desired position, then adjust depth and push the active safety feature to engage it Disassembly: Adjust the depth to the maximum to disengage the active safety feature and disassemble the furniture > CH.3 HANGING SUPPORTS 290