RAL 9003 920.111.006 RAL 8016 920.111.010 5.000 RAL 9005 920.111.021 M6 M6 920.200.105 RAL 9003 920.300.006 5.000 RAL 8016 920.300.010 RAL 9005 920.300.021 RAL 1002 920.300.194 RAL 9003 920.406.001 RAL 8016 920.406.012 5.000 RAL 9005 920.406.023 RAL 1002 920.406.196 RAL 9003 922.100.001 10.000 RAL 8016 922.100.012 RAL 9005 922.100.023 RAL 1002 922.100.196 Shelf support with inserted screw. White Brown Black Brass shelf support. 1.000 or 5.000 See section on nuts in chapter 4 assembly, clock Ø15. Plastic support with tab for shelf. White Brown Black Oak Plastic support without tab for shelf. White Brown Black Oak Knock-in ribbed case for shelf. White Brown Black Oak SHELF SUPPORTS > CH.4 ASSEMBLIES 331