RAL 7043 213.400.143 100 213.500.066 100 213.600.063 100 1 2 A:48, B:6 A:52, B:5.5 Mesuco 143 Rapid 197.805.064 197.806.066 125 Mesuco 132X 197.835.061 197.836.064 RAL 7043 213.700.141 100 1 2 Embedded Lay-on INDEPENDENT DAMPERS INDAmatic FOR MESUCO HINGES INDAmatic damper. Grey Base plate s/32 for damper. Nickel-plated zamak Reversible base plate: this base plate is valid for positioning the first drill at 28 or 37 mm. Body and base plate for damper. Nickel-plated zamak Every ref. has 1 body and 1 base plate. INDEPENDENT DAMPERS, INDAmatic FOR MESUCO HINGES Embedded, Lay-on This solution uses Indaux high performance MESUCO hinges as its starting point. And in order not to occupy any space inside the cabinet, the damper is then fitted into the cup. The damper fits comfortably into the hinge, adapts to the weight and size of the doors as well as the closing speed. INDAmatic for hinge cup. Niquel-plated zamak Niquel-plated zamak Screw base for damper Grey The recommended screw Ø3x12 pozi Ref. 982.112.036 Assembly The base provides a flange for positioning on the edge of the furniture. Secure the Ø3x12 screw and then introduce the damper on the front. INDAmatic dampers > CH.5 OPENING, CLOSING AND SOFT CLOSE SYSTEMS 348